
Public speaking is the part of my work I enjoy the most. I have received several awards for my ability to convey complex messages at any level in a rigorous but engaging way, both in person and online.

Topics I have been invited to talk about include: autism, reading, language, child development, neurodiversity, inclusion and diversity, science communication, quality of life and mental health, women in science, diverse skill acquisition in grad school, etc.

La prise de parole en public est la partie que j’aime le plus dans mon travail. J’ai reçu de nombreux prix récompensant ma capacité à communiquer des messages complexes de façon rigoureuse mais engageante, en personne et en ligne.

Les sujets sur lesquels j’ai été invitée à parler dans le passé incluent : l’autisme, la lecture, le langage, le développement de l’enfant, la neurodiversité, l’inclusion et la diversité, la vulgarisation et communication scientifique, la qualité de vie et la santé mentale, les femmes en sciences, l’acquisition de compétences transversales aux cycles supérieurs, etc.


I presented my work at local, national and international academic conferences all over the world through multiple posters and oral presentations.


I have been invited to be a panelist on various topics (such as science communication and women in science)


I have multiple experiences delivering fun presentations for children and teenagers of all ages.


I have put together workshops for varied audiences on autism and science communication.

Short Pitches

I have received four awards for 2-min and 3-min pitches on my research. See below my 3 Minute Thesis Competition video (French).

Radio and TV

I have been interviewed on the radio a few times and my dream of being in a documentary came true! See my Media page for more details.

Please contact me to discuss opportunities.